Friday, August 13, 2010

Do You Need House Cleaning Tips?

We will start with why house cleaning is important. Have you ever been in a house that smelled or had bugs crawling everywhere? Or maybe you are currently battling this problem. Keeping your home clean is the first step in getting rid of the bugs and smell. If you are not willing to do a little house cleaning it will always be a battle trying to keep the bugs and smell under control. The best approach I have found to get rid of bugs is to use bug bombs followed by an intense cleaning of the entire house and then use a spray around walls inside and out and other areas that were infested. Of course if you prefer you can call an exterminator to do this for you but you can usually get better results doing it yourself with items purchased at your local hardware store or Wal-Mart. The important thing is to get it done! Not just halfway, but commit several days to totally destroying the habitat for bugs. Once you have wiped them out spray your home a couple times a year to keep them out.

Now lets' start cleaning; Get a plan a goal of what you want to accomplish, If it is a large task like the whole house is trashed, break it down into rooms or even half a room and start there. Make yourself stay focused in this area until it is completed, then move to the next part. Start with the removing the big stuff and work down the small cleanup. Like a room has clothes scattered everywhere start with hanging, folding, and putting the dirty clothes in the laundry room or wherever you keep dirty clothes (not thrown on the floor)! Pick up all the trash and get it out of the room, now you can see the floor hopefully, now you can pick up and put away anything else that does not belong on the floor (no the bologna sandwich does not belong on the floor)! Once everything is out of the floor you can vacuum or sweep whichever is required for your floors. If it is something other than carpet once it has been swept use a mop with a disinfectant like pine sol. If you have carpet try a powder cleaner or get a steam cleaner you need to make sure this is cleaned well, carpet makes a great hiding place for bugs and allergens. Myself I like pine sol or Mr. clean they both do a good job and leave the place clean. If it is an area bleach want harm use it. Bleach will kill just about any germ in your home.

House cleaning is a daily job. If you will spend a few minutes each day cleaning up after yourself and a few hours each month doing an in depth cleaning it should not get so overwhelming. The big thing is take a minute to put things where it belongs, like that bologna sandwich you did not finish, put it in the trash, give it to the dog, or at least throw it outside and some critter will eat it, but do not put it on the floor. Food on the floor, counters, tables, etc. is asking for the bugs to move into your home; especially sweet stuff like sugar, which will draw ants from your neighbors' house! I do not know how they find this stuff, but they do! The best way to stop them is to; clean up after yourself!

corner aquariums

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