Guinea Pigs as pets can be either wonderful or not your sort of thing.
There are some points (okay a lots of points!) to consider before rushing to the pet shop to get them, do not be impulsive. It is best to think thoroughly and be more organised and decide if they are the right pets for you.
- Think about how much time, money, and attention you have to provide for them.
- How much love and care you can give them (They need a lot of loving).
- Is your home environment suitable for them?
- Cavies are easy to handle and doesn't scratch or bite. They will need lots of loving handling and social interaction everyday through their lives, and YOU have to provide this.
- Guinea Pigs are not nocturnal (sleep in the day time), so they will be awake for most of the day for you to play with.
- They are just the right size to sit on your lap and easy to cuddle, they don't fight when being held so are easy to carry from the cage to your lap and back.
- They love being stroked so will sit on your lap and purr happily. Although there are few piggies that won't settle down and loves to explore (like my Patch), but you will just have to accept it as part of their charms! If this is the case, do not force them to sit still if she doesn't want to. Be patient, give them time and most will want to settle.
- Cavies have a language made up of squeaking and actions, which is very entertaining to watch.
- They are very lively and enjoy a free run around a room in your house (or a large exercise run), they will 'popcorn' if they are very excited. They might leave wee puddles and poops, it's natural! MAKE sure they can't get to electric cables, any house plants (could be poisonous), or any hazards, they love to nibble anything they find.
- Guinea Pigs lives up to between five to eight years, sometimes more, so they will give you years of love. You need to think if you can live with them for that long. Planning to go away to college? Abroad for few years? Then it's not worth getting Guinea Pigs as pets, simple as that.
- Spend a lot of time with them and lavish them with love then your piggies will love and trust you. Don't EVER abandon them when they need you the most (e.g. when they are ill).
- It is not really expensive to house Guinea Pigs, the general maintenance such as hay, bag of food and fruit/vegetables is low, but you have to be PREPARED to pay for vet visits.
- It is best to get pigs in PAIR, they will be happy together and entertain each other when you are not around, but make sure you spend time with them in the evenings and let them out for runs and cuddles, it is your responsibility to make sure they are happy.
- Going away for a holiday? You must get someone to care for your pigs. Make sure that person knows enough about Guinea Pigs and write out lists of what to feed them and how to clean out their cage properly. There is always another option, put them in a professional boarding establishments. NEVER ever leave the pigs alone when you go away.
- If you are a vegetarian, then they are very ideal as they do not eat meats, fish, or dairy products, they are herbivorous. * Piggies generally do not smell and are clean, however make sure you clean their environment at least once a week, twice if needed, otherwise it will impact their health. Have you got the time? Are you physically able?
- Before you buy Guinea Pigs as pets, check that neither you or your family are allergy to them (skin rashes, runny nose/eyes, etc). Get your family to handle a cavy for a short while and watch for any reaction, be aware that allergy symptoms may not show up straight away. It is not fair to abandon or give away guinea pigs even though they pose health risks to your family.
- Do you have other pets? A dog or a cat? They may be a threat as a predator to the pigs and can cause unnecessary stress to them. My aunt has a King Charles Spaniel and he is a big softie with my pigs although one of my friend has a Jack Russell and she wasn't keen with them. Make sure you can house them in a very safe environment and be careful with their 'floor time', always supervise and taking care Guinea Pigs aren't harmed.
- Check with your landlord if you are allowed to have Guinea Pigs as pets in your place.
- If you are purchasing Guinea Pigs as pets for your child, be prepared to take full responsibility to look after them and give proper care. It is natural that a child will get bored with them and don't bother to look after them
- You need to ensure your pigs are healthy and watch out for symptoms of illness. Learn what to look out for and be prepared to take the proper action (e.g. take to the vet, nurse at home).
I am sure you will be feeling overwhelmed with all this information, now give them a long and hard think and decide in a few days, or even weeks, if you still want to commit to getting Guinea Pigs as pets.
At the end of the day I am sure you will make a right decision, as long as they involve putting the pigs' happiness before yours. They are living, breathing, and loving animals NOT a toy and they are dependent on you to keep them alive and well.
For these who decide to get them, good luck with your new Guinea Pigs as pets!
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